6 Days in and Social Crayon want to know.....
Have you given up on that diet yet? That food you love is still as delicious as ever, and now it's on sale.
Give up now and instead of starving yourself half to death with your:
popcorn diet
rice cake diet
no carbs diet
no calories diet
no nutrients diet
no vitamins diet
hot water diet
warm water diet
2 enema diet
4 enema diet
26 enema diet
two-finger gag diet
four-finger gag diet
stomach sewing diet
throat sewing diet
teeth sewing diet
straight-jacket diet
just liquid diet
just solid diet
just steam diet
fasting diet
slowing diet
fork diet
spoon diet
straw diet
I am as over it as you are. The big difference is I have to hear about it, while you only have to talk about it.
Shut up. And the next time you want to open up you mouth try putting some food in it.
It's okay, you're beautiful!
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