
How I Know The World Is Coming to an End

Look at the picture on top. Either someone tricked this man into thinking his grandchild is a Wolf-man of some sort, or he is pushing a GIGANTIC dog in a STROLLER!

Are you kidding me? Is this what lies ahead for me in my retirement years? I guess we can play fetch right now while I am still young and strong, but as soon as I start drawing a pension I have to be all, "hey Rex, let's (literally) go for a stroll."????

If the very idea of a stroller for BIG dogs does not blight your faith in humanity's future, I ask you to take a look at picture 2 and 3 up above.

Okay, now those were close-up photos of a few features on the big dog stroller. Yeah, nothing really about a trap door for poop in there, or did I miss that. Maybe it has a commode on the inside, next to the bidet? Perhaps he, like me by that time, will be familiar with peaceful, un-rushed experience of wearing a diaper. 

Anyway, the problem with those two photos are, they show you how the cart comes with lots of secret compartments for HIDING YOUR WALLET!!!

So let me get this straight. I adopt you, feed you, pay for your medical care, play with you while you are young, buy the house with the big yard so you can run around, and even push you around in a stroller while all my friends fall over laughing at me. However, should my life be threatened while I am out taking your (literally) stankin' ass out for a walk, I need to HIDE MY STUFF???

So you can't growl or nothing, you can't bite someone to protect me? What, did I forget the part of the story where i am obviously chewing your food for you as well?

Tell you what Pincher. What say tomorrow morning, sometime after I wake and use the bathroom, or use the bathroom and then wake, we go play catch in the woods for old times sake?