
Signs of the Apocalypse

All over downtown Chicago, I have been encountering these "Falling Ice" signs. 

See, the skyscrapers in Chicago (that's what we are really known for, really) accumulate lots of precipitation (snow, rain, dew?!?!) at their elevated heights and with winds that gust at twice the speed of street level gales, ice forms.

Then it decides when it wants to fall downward and bust you in the F&%(^&(-ing head, causing all kinds of trauma.

What are you going to do when one of these things boinks you on the dome?

That's right "cry" is what you are going to do. That is if you still have brain function.

The law used to make owners of these buildings liable for injury that resulted from their negligence of "facility maintenance."

That got expensive, with all the lawyers and punitive damages and all.

Hiring a person, or contractor, to come, clean up and ensure the facility was safe proved to be much less expensive.

But nothing, price-wise, beat the 2001 law stating: a sign at street level, outside the building, warning pedestrians their skull was probably going to get cracked while walking down the street, is sufficient warning to remove all liability for falling ice from owners and management firms of tall buildings in the city of Chicago.

So next time you se one of these signs, don't stop to read it. You are putting your life at risk.

You should cross the stree...actually, that won't help either because this is the Windy City, nothing falls straight down anyway.