
New Verbiage in America

This election season ushered in a few additions to the American verbal lexicon. Here are a few that touched me deeply:

  1. Low-Information Voters. In a strange twist of fate, stupid people became an important voting block. I can't wait for the day my son comes home from school with a bad grade on his report card, telling me it's not that he didn't understand the work, he's just "low-information." So if you are interested in who runs the country you live in, but have no idea what issues the candidates stand for, have no plan to find out and cannot be told by anyone, you are no longer called stoopid, it's "low-information" to you kind sir.
  2. Undecided. This word was used, almost entirely, in the place of "clueless" by every journalist on television. They would be all, "I have watched 3 Presidential debates, 1 Vice-Presidential debate, hundreds of hours of political coverage, thousands of campaign ads, received countless e-mails from both camps, discussed every issue with my pastor, wife/husband, brother, sister and mailman, been reprimanded at work for arguing at work with co-workers on the merits of both health insurance plans and even knocked on doors during the primaries, but ya know......I haven't really made up my mind. I need to see more." I really believe you could have found a great number of these people still "waffling" the day AFTER the election, wanting to know "just a bit more." Give me a break
  3. Hockey-Moms. Yes they are cool. They are not, however, the face of the struggling working-moms trying to make ends meet. Hockey is one of the most expensive, equipment-laden sports imaginable. The high risk of injury requires a great health plan and the possibility of having a hockey arena within half-hour drive of your home is fairly remote. Soccer is the world's most popular sport for a reason, it only requires a ball,or can, or twig, rock, rolled-up sock, etc. Mom need not buy a thing and the stadium is wherever your feet are, be it the living room, hut or industrial waste site at the end of your block. Comparatively speaking soccer is Ted Lange to Hockey's Denzel Washington.
  4. Maverick, or "Mavrick" as many signs at rallies read. Don't know the answer to a question a journalist asks, claim maverick status. Unprepared to answer questions during a debate you have had two months to get ready for, claim maverick status. Can't account for a dubious lack of worldliness, claim maverick status. Unable to account for the lack of a consistent stand on an issue, claim maverick status. Threaten the well-being of the country you are putting first by choosing a running mate who wanted to secede from said country, claim maverick status. Apparently maverick is a new type of diplomatic immunity, only it works within the borders of your native country. I have no idea.
These, and others, words can all just go away now that the election has been decided. They really have no place in a society facing the toughest challenges in a generation.