
Apple of My Eye

Why Do Cigarette Smokers Laugh at Crackheads?

When the minute they break the plane of their workplace, they already have the cigarette in their mouth and the match already sparked, ready to get their "high."

That shit takes planning and coordination.

You need to like not talk to people on your way out. 
Not really pay attention to what your co-workers are saying on the elevator, as you dig through that gigantic handbag or briefcase. 
Half-heartedly wave good-bye to the security guards as you zip past them in the lobby. 
Jump ahead of that person running for their bus, to be first through the revolving door. Focused as you spark that flint before the door is even done spinning you through to the outer world. 
Finally sucking back on that glass dic (oops), I meant, little white stick of refreshment.

What the hell man, you cannot possibly, ever, laugh at a crackhead!


Telestial Baby said...

People don't make fun of crackheads because they fiend. People make fun of crackheads because crack, unlike nicotene, makes people literally insane. Smokers do not harass people just because they're twacked out of their skulls. Smokers do not typically whore themselves or steal to feed their addiction. Your comparison is illogical. And at any rate, it's illegal to smoke indoors in most places anyway, so it's not as though nonsmokers are subjected to it except for the occassional passerby. Get over it.